Jody has written novels for the last 16 years (with a hiatus when her children were young. In May of 2009 she double-finaled in the Genesis contest, a national fiction-writing contest for unpublished writers, sponsored by American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW.Shortly after the final, Jody acquired an agent, Rachelle Gardner of Word Serve Literary. Her agent spent the summer of 2009 working on selling her books. In September of that year, Jody signed a three-book deal with Bethany House Publishers. Jody’s debut novel, The Preacher’s Bride, releases in Oct. 2010. Her next book will release in 2011 and a third in 2012.
In 1650s England, a young Puritan maiden is on a mission to save the baby of her newly widowed preacher--whether her assistance is wanted or not. Always ready to help those in need, Elizabeth ignores John's protests of her aid. She's even willing to risk her lone marriage prospect to help the little family. Yet Elizabeth's new role as nanny takes a dangerous turn when John's boldness from the pulpit makes him a target of political and religious leaders. As the preacher's enemies become desperate to silence him, they draw Elizabeth into a deadly web of deception. Finding herself in more danger than she ever bargained for, she's more determined than ever to save the child--and man--she's come to love.
If you would like to read the first chapter of The Preacher's Bride, go HERE.
My thoughts:
The Preacher's Bride is a book that made me fall in love with the characters right from the start, as well as make me a bit angry. I simply cannot imagine living in the days of the Puritan's, I would not do well. Elizabeth Whitbread has quite a tongue and is able to convince many to do as she wishes, such is the case in the care of a newborn, motherless child in desperate need of a wet-nurse. The child is surely doing to die unless he receives milk and the Puritan women have strict beliefs in who can and cannot fulfill the needs of the child. Elizabeth steps in and matters change, not only for the child but for his family as well!
Sacrificing the chance of marriage Elizabeth works for the Costin family, agreeing to marry at summer's end, but what of the Costin's who will care for them, and what of Elizabeth's feelings towards her intended?
Soon life is turned upside down as a serious threat comes to play, not only against Elizabeth but to the family she has come to love. The Puritan's have some pretty strong ideas and while reading I couldn't imagine living in such a time. The elder's took it upon themselves to determine the well being of several characters which made me want to jump right into the book and speak my mind, thank goodness Elizabeth was in the book to help me out!
This was a very enjoyable read, a strong book, that really makes you realize how our faith can mold us and how sometimes people take their faith to new levels, levels that are not necessarily for the best, and can be quite harmful. All in all this was a very enjoyable read!

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