Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bodacious Thank You!

I have a great BIG thank you for outnumbered mama over at Busy Moms Who Love To Read
for the wonderful award!  What a great award to have!

Bodacious Blogging Book Reviewers Award
Here is how it works: If you are given this award you must first accept it by leaving a comment on the post you were nominated on. Then copy and paste the post and add it to your own blog (you can click the award image to get the code).  I want you to list the 5 things that prove you are addicted to books/reading! Then nominate your own award winners! Sharing in the love is so much fun!

So since I am starting this all out I will go ahead and list my 5 admissions of addiction here goes.  Busy Moms Who Love To Read has the following 5 admissions!
1. I have book release dates saved on my phone calendar, with alarms to go off the day before
2. I have to walk down the book aisles as often as possible, even in gas stations and grocery stores
3. I will stay up until 4am to finish a book, because "I only have 100, 90, 60, 30... more pages to go"
4. I search Craigslist EVERY day for free boxes of books - not even concerned with the titles!
5. Um, hello - have you read my blog???

...And here are my (Lulu's) 5 admissions of book addiction!

1.  I always have a book within a foot of me
2.  I read every single night, even during a movie, even if my eyes are rolling backwards due to extreme exhaustion
3.  Even though I have hundreds, thousands of books, I have to look at books at every  garage sale, thrift sale I go to.
4.  I cannot get rid of any of my books
5.  I will stay up all night to finish a book regardless of the ill effects

I am now going to pass this award on to 5 other bloggers, who must do the same!  Make a list of their 5 admissions of addiction and pass the award on to 5 other bloggers (no backsies).  Also identify the blog which you received the award from, that would be me! and don't forget to tell them they have a blog award, so my nominees are:

..go on and spread the fun!



  1. I am right with you there on the books. I want to have my own personal library. I always am on the lookout for new (old books) at thrift stores, garage sales, goodwill

  2. Awesome! I love to read and books! Thank You so very much for this award :)

  3. following from MBC. Please follow me at


  4. Thanks for the award! :D We like a lot of the same things apparently. ;)


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