Thursday, April 15, 2010

Panic of the day

It's been one of those crazy weeks. Kids had MCA testing, I have allergy stuff going on and tonight I have dress rehearsal for a 4H play we're putting on. Just finished the alligator costumes and the mouse noses last night. Today, I went to play the music for the play and AARGH the cd isn't working. Then, my daughter came up to me and said that something is wrong with the horse's eye. Well of course, that's because the vet is coming TOMORROW, couldn't she have waited a day if she was going to hurt her eye! If all goes well I'll get through the next few hours without any more mishaps. Have any of you with a horse ever seen an eye like this? OUCH



  1. Sounds like my days.. 4-H, homeschooling, homebusiness, actually two home businesses. I work L'Bri pure and natural skincare, and I clean homes for the elderly.
    Tomorrow if it doesn't rain we are going to plant potatoes and lettuce. I am hoping to also, plant tomatoes later and a few other things.
    Hope your horse is better soon. We don't have one.


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