Monday, October 11, 2010

A cute new award!

 cherry on top award

I received this one from Nicole at blesstheirheartsmom!
Isn't it cute?

All you have to do for the Cherry on Top award is
1) answer the question "If I had the chance to go back and change one thing in my life, would I, and what would it be?"

...I don't think I would change anything, I like who I am today and if I changed anything I wouldn't be the person I am now!  How about you?

2) Pick up to 6 people and give them this award:

1. Positively Splendid
2. Songberries
3. Finally Finding Me
4. Tangled and True
5. Little Lizard King

3) Thank the person who gave me the award. THANKS NICOLE!!!!



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