Thursday, May 27, 2010

What's blooming in your garden?

I love this time of year, when I can plant my garden and watch my flowers grow. It's been pretty hot so far this summer, so my entire garden is not planted yet, the lettuce and beans are already sprouting though, as well as many flower seeds! Hopefully I'll finish planting this weekend, how about you, do you have a garden, what do you plant? Do you eat it, or do the deer get to it first? I have a serious deer problem, any tips?


  1. I love to garden and we have lots of flowers including two roses that I got from my grandmother's home when she passed away back in 1983 ... I am not really sure how long she had them in ground, but I remember them when I was growing up. This year I have onions, beets, 3 types of Tomatoes and 3 types of peppers, butternut squash, and zucchini. I planted one more hill of zucchini today. My garden is completely full at the moment.

    Love your flower pics and I hope you have success with your garden.

  2. Hello Steve...sounds like you're busy with your garden! I have tomatoes, potatoes, onions, lettuce (3 kinds) peas, beans, herbs...and still have to plant my squashes. I can't find acorn squash seeds anywhere!


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