Friday, September 24, 2010

Book Review: Solitary, by Travis Thraser

Solitary: A Novel (Solitary Tales Series)
Solitary, a novel by Travis Thrasher....the cover is perfect for this chilling novel.  This is a novel that is going to leave you feeling lonely and wanting.

Imagine a cup of hot water teetering off the edge of a table, you know it's going to fall, you can see it happening, but there is absolutely nothing you can do about it except watch it fall, shatter into thousands of pieces and get everything wet.  This is the best way I can describe this book.  Chris Buckley and his mom move to Solitary, NC for a new beginning, only something is not quite right with the town.

Jocelyn, a beautiful girl befriends Chris, but she has secrets, deep secrets and keeps just out of reach, whenever Chris thinks she's going to open up it seems as if a dark cloud passes over her and shuts her down.

After being beaten, having a forbidden object planted in his locker and coming upon what can only be described as a 'monster' in the neighboring woods, Chris begins to feel as if something is not quite right in the town of Solitary.  But what is wrong?

Stumbling upon a dark cabin, falling into it's deep basement and finding a tunnel is just the beginning of Chris's adventures as he learns the town's fatal secret and what has truly happened to his uncle that has vanished.  Now it's all that Chris can do to save Jocelyn from the darkness of Solitary, but how?

Wow....this book is amazing, it forces you to look beyond the obvious, and realize that we cannot always see what is right before our eyes until we believe, truly believe.  I recommend this book, but just remember, it will leave you feeling that things are just out of reach!

*I would like to thank the B&B Media Group for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book for review.

If you would like to purchase this book, then go ahead and visit this link:


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